Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Born Aware Phenomenon or Spiritually Aware Since Birth -- Quite Literally

What is your earliest memory?  Do you remember anything before the age of 1 – or 2 – or 3 – or 4?  Most people don’t.  However, some of us do.
I have always remembered what I thought when I was born.  I kept these thoughts to myself and never knew that this was unusual.  This was my norm and I never even wondered whether others had similar memories or not.
What I thought when I was born were spiritual thoughts (for example remembering being with God before coming here) and the knowledge that being here was both temporary and necessary.  In other words, I was spiritually aware from the moment I was born in a clear manner and with a mature awareness and consciousness.  This is the Born Aware phenomenon.
It wasn't until much later in life that I began to realize that my at-birth memories were unusual.  I later encountered two other people who, independently of each other, spontaneously shared their own at-birth memories with me in a short period of time.  I knew that I was being given a message to write about this phenomenon and began to embark upon a journey of investigation into this phenomenon.
This was the seed for my book, Born Aware:  Stories & Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth.  I have found several other people with memories like these and know that there are more of us out there.
So what is "The Born Aware Phenomenon"?  And why should we pay attention to it?
The Born Aware Phenomenon refers to people who have literally been spiritually aware from the moment they were born.  We remember what we thought when we were born and our thoughts were typically spiritual ones:  knowing that we’re here on this planet temporarily and that it’s not our true home; remembering the other side to varying degrees; and a whole range of spiritual, non-earth-bound thoughts and perceptions.
Our memories of our at-birth thoughts are spontaneous.  We have never forgotten what we thought when we were born – and we never needed to resort to external or artificial means or modalities in order to uncover our at-birth thoughts.  In other words, we didn’t need to use regression, rebirthing, hypnotherapy, or any other modality in order to uncover or discover our natal awareness.  We have simply never forgotten that awareness and those thoughts.
Some people may confuse being born aware with being psychic or intuitive, because they may assume that if one is highly intuitive or can see or speak to spirits that one must have been born aware.  This is simply not true.  Psychic and intuitive gifts are a faculty or ability of the consciousness and neither depend upon nor a priori include nor spring from a spiritual awareness (or memories of the other side or spiritual advancement).
The same is true of children who remember past lives.  A great deal of research has been conducted over the years into children who spontaneously remember their past lives and may, at times, continue to feel that they are still the same person from a recent past life.  Children who remember past lives are not necessarily born aware nor necessarily spiritually aware.  They simply have a memory of their previous lifetime and may still be in the persona of that lifetime.
The born aware phenomenon is also distinct from the phenomenon of those who are innately spiritually oriented.  By spiritually oriented, I am referring to people who have always felt a spiritual orientation and/or awareness that this earthly reality was not the only reality.  They tend to have a subtle awareness that this planet is not their true home.  There are many, many people who are innately spiritually oriented.  They tend to take quite naturally to spiritual topics as soon as they are exposed to them.  They tend to feel like outsiders or like strangers in a strange land.  They often become spiritual healers or intuitives or spiritual practitioners or work in helping professions as adults.  Many also typically feel that they are lightworkers who are here on a mission and/or to heal others. 
However, they typically lack the at-birth awareness that those born aware have, as well as some of the attributes that born awares share.
The born aware phenomenon refers to those people who have always remembered what they thought when they were born and their spiritual awareness at birth – pure and simple.  The awareness we have at birth is clear and mature.  It is not at all infantile or undeveloped or whatever one may consider the awareness of a baby to be.  It is also devoid of a human personality – which, of course, has not yet developed.
I use the term Higher Soul Awareness to refer to our at-birth consciousness.  It’s the awareness that we have as souls when we’re not here on this planet – or incarnated elsewhere -- and that we had on the other side before being born.  It’s distinctly different from our human persona, which it transcends.  Those of us born aware flit back and forth throughout our lives between our human side and our Higher Soul Awareness.  We’re hybrids, neither completely here nor there (on the other side).  (I discuss the Higher Soul Awareness more extensively in my book and share some recommendations on how to groom that awareness.)
There are many attributes that those born aware tend to have in common, such as our innate spiritual awareness that is a split awareness, an innate awareness of and trust in spiritual agency and protection, an innate awareness (and memory) of the inter-connectedness of everything and everyone, an implicit awareness that we’re here to do or accomplish specific tasks, an innate and deep sense of integrity and ethics – and more.  (These are shared and discussed in my book.)
There are also many lessons to be learned from the born aware phenomenon.  First of all would be the acknowledgment that there are different types of human consciousness, which don’t emanate solely from our physical brains or physiology.  Babies can indeed be aware and, at times, may have an awareness that is more mature than that of their parents or adults around them (if the latter are primarily in their human personas). 
The phenomenon definitely shows us that this reality on earth is not the only reality and that consciousness does indeed transcend the physical.  It teaches us that there is indeed another “side” or “heaven” – a “place” that exists outside of our earthly reality that is quite real, irrespective of the terms we used to refer to it.  We indeed don’t die when our bodies die.  We indeed, as well, existed before we were physically born on earth into a human body.
There are many spiritual lessons and implications from the born aware phenomenon as well, which I detail in my book, Born Aware.

This is what the born aware phenomenon is and the benefits that learning about it can bring us.  It’s a very real phenomenon, as I well know, and deserving of wider knowledge.

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